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  1. This is great! We made a water xylophone a couple of years ago with Mason jars and colored liquid… then we had a water xylophone and recorder concert of Hot Cross Buns. 🙂 Good times!

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      Thank you, Mary! That would be so fun to play Hot Cross Buns! And with a recorder! Too fun. Thanks for your comment.

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      Thanks! It was super fun!!

  2. Cheryl Gannaway says:

    Hello! Loved this activity 🙂 We did this last night and my son had a great time 🙂 Thanks so much! If I get around to updating my own blog, I will post about it and link to yours 🙂

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      Oh I’m so happy to hear that!! Thank you for sharing, Cheryl!

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