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  1. I plan to use these with my 4, 3, and 2yr old. My 4 year old tends to shut down very easy when we start doing something so I’m hoping this will help her get in a routine and feel more confident about her day.

  2. I am hoping to use this with my soon to be 3 year old who has a language delay (mostly receptive). I am hoping that having this visual schedule will help him know what to expect of our day easier.

  3. Thank you. New mom of child with traumatic history. Needs the structure and working on verbal communication. The visual schedule has to help.

    Thanks for the reminder, the resource and motivation to get with the program.

    Much needed.

  4. hi how to print the visual schedule? i entered my mail also …didn’t receive any mail.. can you please help me with this?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      It should’ve arrived. Make sure to check the promotions tab in your email. If you still haven’t got it, let me know and I’ll manually send it.

  5. Thank you for the routine printables. We just got home from speech therapy with our 4 year old and because she has meltdowns when she is unable to communicate her wants and needs or when she has to do things out of her routine like going to speech therapy this is what was suggested for us to try with her!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Oh I’m so pleased to hear this! Thank you for sharing!!

  6. These are the most beautiful visual aid images I’ve been able to find! Can’t wait to start using them. Thank you 🙂

  7. I have subscribed to the website but I couldnt get this free printable visual schedule that I am so exicted to use for my daughter at home. May I know how can I get it?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Hi there! Have you checked the ‘Promotions’ tab? On gmail, sometimes my emails get sent there. If you can’t find it, let me know and I’ll email it again.

      1. Lois Kiew says:

        Hi Angela,

        I have checked the ‘Promotions’ tab and yea, it was there. 😉 Thanks and can’t wait to use it for my kid.

  8. I will use these for my 4 year old grandson-he loves a schedule always asks-what comes next!

  9. I’m excited to use for my daughter with ASD and my 4 year old son who relies on self care prompts every day! Thank you!

  10. My little charge was asking for something just like these!

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