Tricky Letter Activities for Halloween
Learning the alphabet can be easy for some kids, but more challenging for others. The English alphabet comprises forty different shapes and that’s a lot for kids to learn!
Some letters have multiple sounds, are harder to recognize or learn to write and need more time on it. Most kids can recognize O, B, X, and A, but when it comes to lowercase letters b and d, it’s more challenging.
Today I’m sharing a resource for teaching tricky letters. It’s also a fun activity for Halloween!

The packet includes color printables, black and white printabes, and blank templates so you can add your own letters.

You can download the printable right here —> Halloween Tricky Letters
If you’re looking for some more ways to practice tricky letters, try some of the following!
For distinguishing the difference between b and d, you can recite this saying: “b has a belly and d has a diaper.”
Check out this simple trick that This Reading Mama came up with to help distinguish letters a, d, g, and q.
I love these printables for teaching letter reversals. She has a fun game with a spinner to help kids practice identifying the tricky letters.
All About Reading’s website also has some great tips and printable activities for letter reversals.
I hope this helps and that you love the free printable!