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  1. My favorite has always been my most recent one. My husband always takes my little boys to the store to have them each pick out a special present for me. I love how thoughtful they are each year.

  2. Andi Fisher says:

    It is hard to say which birthday was my favorite. It might have been my 22nd when I got my engagement ring.

  3. I love everything about this post! Cannot believe it was almost 7 years ago that picture of us was taken! Blessings to you today on your 30th birthday and abundant JOY to you throughout this year!

  4. Hi, Angela! Happy 30th…you have so much ahead of you to look forward to. I remember 30 very well…..I had my 1st son just 3 months prior so I guess I would choose that as my favorite birthday! Now, I am no longer in my 30’s (sniffle, sob….) BUT I have 4 wonderful sons and an amazing husband. I was able to teach for 7 years before I stayed home to raise my boys, so there was much to be thankful for. You will enjoy your 30’s just as much, if not more, than your 20’s. Love your blog and I am a big Starbucks fan, too….thanks for the opportunity to win! Yum!

  5. Happy Birthday and welcome to the thirties club!! While most of us have an amazing time in our twenties with lots of life changing moments, it is my 30s that I am enjoying and cherishing the most. Watching my family grow and thrive is the most amazing experience I will ever have. I hope you have many blessings in this next chapter of your life. Cheers!

  6. Hilary VH says:

    Beautiful post Angela! You sure have a lovely family! Thanks for sharing with us!

    My favorite birthday was my 18th birthday because that was the day I met my husband 🙂

  7. My favorite birthday was easily 21. I was newly engaged and ready to take on the world! That was 2011 (Gosh how time flies!).

  8. Happy birthday! Welcome to the 30’s!

  9. Happy birthday! 30 is a great age!

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