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  1. Georgia Maguire says:

    Hello, thank you for offering this tutorial. However, I have a question… What are the advantages of having a ten-frame that looks like the ones you have provided above, verses, having a ten frame that is a straight ten boxes? So for example, five boxes on top and five boxes on the bottom as you have shown; or five boxes on the left of the ten-frame and five boxes to the right of the ten frame? Does that make sense?
    The reason I’m asking is bc I have the book entitled: Addition Facts that Stick, and in that book, the ten frame is showcased as FIVE boxes to the left of the bold line and FIVE boxes to the right of the bold line.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Hi Georgia! Either way is fine and both help kids decompose numbers and learn how to understand numbers in groups of 5 or 10. The way I shared is more widely used and kids will recognize it more. But the way that Kate Snow shares is a good way to help kids learn numbers as they are seeing the ten frame left to right, just like reading.


    Thank you so much for your generosity! It will be a BIG help to us teachers and most especially to our students! God bless you More! – Mrs. Kapunan ND


    Hi! This is awesome! Its really a big help to us teachers!

  4. Cil Villaverde says:

    Thank you for these great resources!

  5. thank you. i have kindergarten twins and i am just learning myself so i can teach them these tens frames. thank you for being so elaborate in your post. it definitely gives me a good start

  6. Lesley Cronley says:

    I love this but can’t see where to download

  7. Wow these are great – thank you!

  8. Kathryn Miller says:

    I cannot figure out how to download and print.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I’m sorry, Kathryn! There is a link right above this comment box. When you click on it, it will download right away.

  9. I love these ten frames activities but can’t figure out how to download and print them.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Oh no! I’m sorry. There is a link to download in the post. I will email it to you.

  10. Jeanine Carpenter says:

    Thank so much for the ten frame activities! I work with preschoolers and school age students. It is a simple concept, but if they do not get it early on, they really struggle with math. Blessings to you for making these free.

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