All About Me Preschool Theme
An all about me theme for your preschool or homeschool is a great way to start the school year!
Preschoolers love to learn about themselves and there are plenty of fun activities to do! Today I’m going to share with you our favorite activities and free printables for this theme.

All About Me Books
Here are some of our favorite books to read for this theme.
ChrysanthemumMy Amazing Body
The Tooth Book
Marvelous Me: Inside and Out
All of Me!: A Book of Thanks
All About Me Printables
I’ve created a printable packet for you to use with your preschoolers. They can draw the pictures on this sheet or you can write their answers out. I love having my children do a self-portrait, especially when you see the differences in their drawing between the years. I had my 3-year-old fill out these sheets. Since he is a very young 3-year-old, he hasn’t had much exposure to coloring. So his drawings were mostly lines and I also wrote some words down on the paper. A 4-year-old doing this activity would have a much different result.

On the next pages, I traced my child’s handprint and footprint. Then we measured the length in inches. We also made a fingerprint!

Next, we did a quick questionnaire. You can do this survey in two ways. One, you can write it down for them and take measurements to answer them accurately. Or you can have them answer with what they think the answers are. That can turn out kind of silly, which is fun!

Next, I have a printable for talking about emotions. Go through the cards and talk about what each of them means. Then have your child pick which one describes how they feel and put that card in the blank box.

Parts of My Body Song
I also have a cute song to sing with your child. It’s a great way to talk about some of the body parts we have. It’s sung to the tune of Skip to My Lou. Make sure to have your child point to the different body parts as they sing the song!

Free Printable Download
You can download this free printable by entering your email address below!

More All About Me Activities

Have you heard of the app called Aging Booth? It’s a free app that takes a picture and changes your face to look old. You can print the photo and place it in this printable from the packet above. The kids love this activity!
One of my favorite activities to do is create a puzzle of your child.

Here’s how to make it:
- Print a picture of your child. Build a tower of Duplo blocks. Set the picture on top and mark lines to cut so it will create a picture puzzle. Cut the pieces and glue them onto the blocks.
- Set the blocks out and ask your child to create a picture of themselves using the blocks.
- Practice putting it together and taking it apart.

You can also draw the body outline of your child and have him draw a face, hair, and clothes onto the body.

Name Activities
During this theme, take time to practice learning names. I love using hands-on activities to teach names. Here are a few ways to teach names. First, spell the child’s name with tape on the floor. (Test the floor with your tape to make sure it doesn’t damage your floor.)
Then give your child Lego bricks or blocks and have them fill in their name.

You can also write your child’s name on a piece of tape and have them match alphabet letters to their name. I like to use simple magnetic alphabet letters for this.

Another way to practice is with dot stickers. Give your child dot stickers with letters from their name written on them. Have them practice putting their name together with the stickers on a piece of paper.

My Body Printable
Talk about the parts of their body during this theme. Print THIS body booklet, cut and staple the pages together, and read it together. Talk about the different jobs each body part has.

I hope you will use some of these fun ideas for teaching the All About Me theme with preschoolers.
Need more lesson plan ideas for this theme? Check out my thematic unit HERE.

love the body song!
These all look so amazing!
How do i get All About Me Pack ?
Hello! In the blog post, there is a link that says “You can get this packet here —> All About Me Packet” If you click on those words, the PDF will download.
Thank you so much for your great ideas.