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  1. Maria Garza says:

    Have not started my wish list yet. Need to get on it.

  2. I love the magnetic letters and the touch and read blends/digraph!

  3. Vanessa Odewumi says:

    My kids love forts! Great place to hang out and read.

  4. Rachelle Seuntjens says:

    This fort looks awesome!

  5. Love your blog and love Lakeshore!

  6. Jeanne Ramos says:

    I love Lakeshore.

  7. Kristina Mete says:

    My kids have gone through the catalog many times! My son wants the rocket, one of my daughter’s wants the vet kit and the doctor kit, and another daughter wants the shimmer dino eggs and dragon eggs! We sure could use that gift card! 😍

  8. Jamie Schlueter says:

    This school closure struggle is real!

  9. Meryl Wood says:

    We don’t have anything like this on our school! Fingers crossed!

  10. Jessi Janorschke says:

    Clay would LOVE this fort builder! Definitely going on his Christmas list for sure! He actually built a fort last night out of some of his toys he had in the living room.
    We are also a Lakshore Learning loving house thanks to you Angela! You have simplified our home and taught me how to bring education into play and it has been so amazing watching him grow and learn through play. Thank you!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      This makes me so happy, Jessi! I’m sure Clay would love this fort builder!

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