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  1. I think it’s actually neat to teach them as they are younger and then transition them into preschool as they get a little older. Thank you for sharing your experiences.

  2. Abélia says:

    I love hearing about your pre-school curriculum and how that’s worked at home for you. I’m more open to the idea of keeping my child home for pre-school. I agree that it’s beneficial for the child to have one on one time with the teacher, as well as have lessons that meet the child’s needs.

  3. Clark Pacis says:

    My nephew started at the age of 4. He was exposed to a lot of stimulating kids shows prior to that. He didn’t seem to have any problems socializing with the other kids since he played with the neighborhood kids at the park. Forwarding this to my sister. Cheers!

  4. Thank you for the post. I have a child that getting to the age were we need to decide school options. I really like how you posted the benefits between homeschooling and preschools. I can see how it would be important that your child learn to be without parents. I think it really helps them to develop social skills.

  5. Julianne Harris says:

    I have a 2 year old son and initially I was not sure whether I should send to a preschool or not, I thought home schooling would be better, but after I met a couple of my friends and their kids who were of the same age as my son I realized that even though my son was fairly social and had a couple of friends, there were other aspects that he needed to learn, So I decided that it would be best for him to attend a preschool, and the decision has proved to correct till now!He is completely enjoying the whole experience and has learned quite a lot!

  6. suziehomemaker says:

    I teach at home. my kid goes to church actitives twice a week. not school but church and club. more then enough time to pick up bad behaviors from kids who go to public school. and are allowed to watch bad TV shows like Brats. At home I can also teach her at her pace. 3 yrs and doing Saxon math K. but slower on ABC’S. normal preschool level for that and # and writing. but as she gets those we go on. not repeat over and over with no forward. repeat is good mixed with forward. so she doesn’t get left behind and she doesn’t get held back either. I love homeschool and having my kid right here to teach the right way. Like teaching Homeopathy, NOT med science Dr’s, as a good community

  7. Staci Broadway says:

    I am a teacher and just like you I’m also a mother. Because of busy schedule my time is limited to teach and accompany my kids always. Though it is really good to teach personally with your kids, I would still recommend to send your children to preschool. There, they will not only learn but will also develop their social aspects. They can encounter other children and can play with them. They will start appreciate the beauty of having friends and will not afraid to mingle with others.

  8. No, there is no need of sending a child of 2 or 3 years to a pre-school. It is better to teach the fundamental education to the children. Its the parents can teach better than any other. Yes one can prepare lessons to teach the basics by understanding the child’s ability. And the early days are much important period in life, because child will learn everything whatever they are taught. It’s no other than parents can teach them what is right and what is not.
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  9. Children Of America says:

    I see the benefits in home schooling and going to a preschool. The most important thing is that your child is learning. Like you said, a great option is enrolling your child in preschool a few days a week. At Children of America you have that option. Either part time 5 days a week or full time 1-5 days a week. It’s completely up to you the parent. If you’re interested in finding a location near you visit –

  10. bryan flake says:

    More than anything, I want my son to be in preschool for the social aspect. I think that a kid that spends all day at home with mom or dad is nice, but not the best social skill builder. He needs to be among peers for the best social skills building.

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