Monthly Self Portrait Journal – Free Printable
A memorable way to document a student’s growth is with a monthly self portrait journal. This is a simple activity, but it is an amazing keepsake at the end of the school year! The journal I’m sharing today is FREE and so easy to implement into your lesson plans!
Importance of a Monthly Journal
Monthly self portrait journals can be incredibly valuable for children’s development. Not only is it a great way to self-express and be creative, but it shows the students’ progress with their drawing skills and handwriting skills.
By regularly drawing themselves, children start to think of how they see themselves. This practice encourages self-awareness. When they draw themselves, students can learn to notice details about themselves…their facial features (like freckles on their nose), the color and style of their hair, and more!
Drawing helps children develop fine motor skills. The act of drawing, especially focusing on details, improves hand-eye coordination and precision. I am sure you’ll see a difference in their drawing when you look at August’s self portrait compared to May’s self portrait.
Details about the Journal
The monthly self portrait journal has a page for each month starting in August and ending in May. Each page has a few clip art pictures reflecting the theme for the month.
In the large space, students can draw a picture of themselves. This does not have to be anything amazing, but I would encourage students to use their best efforts.
On the line, students can write their name. It’s fun to see the progression of name writing throughout the year!
How to Introduce the Journal to Students
When you introduce the journal to students, you will want to model the expectations. I would do this as a large group on a flip chart or the white board. Show the students what you want them to add to their drawing for the self portrait.
For example, make a list of things you want each drawing to have. It could look like this:
- face – with hair, nose, eyes, ears
- body – with arms, legs, torso
- background – show where you are, such as at school, home, outside, etc.
These are just simple suggestions. Feel free to use the journals however it works best for you!
The journal comes with a cover page. During the first weeks of school, have the students draw a self portrait in the blank space.
Printable Download
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Frequently Asked Questions
What age is this for?
I recommend using the journal with pre-k and kindergarten students.
It is nice to have the pages bound together. You could do this with a stapler or a binding machine. You could also use a 3-ring binder for the journal.
No, it is not. If you have a question about customizing this please feel free to email me!
Have fun with this journal!