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  1. Thank you for sharing these resources!! I will check out the ones that I have not used in the past.

  2. Excited about this giveaway! My daughter has been wanting me to get a subscription to Epic for a while now. And thank you for the science link! We’ll be checking that out today. 🙂

  3. Stefanie H. says:

    I would love to share Boom cards with my students!

  4. These would be great additions!!

  5. Ashly Cole says:

    I have used Boom Cards so much during Distance Learning with my Preschool Class!

  6. I love Epic, but have not had a chance to try out ABC mouse or Boom card.

  7. Any of these resources would be great!

  8. Jessica Knox says:

    These subscriptions sound great for my boys!

  9. Boom cards are a great resource for learning! We use similar activities in the class and with online learning heading our way-what a great way to make learning interactive and fun for our students with ASD

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