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  1. Danielle Linell says:

    I would absolutely LOVE the laminator! I use clear sheet protectors for things that I like to keep more sturdy, use for wipeable worksheets and when I want to protect documents, but having a laminator instead would be a huge upgrade 🙂

  2. Nicole Crisci says:

    I would love the Laminator. It would come in handy for things I send home to help with virtual learning.

  3. Robin Walker says:

    All your choices are so useful ! I think I would choose the binding machine or the paper cutter. I run a small privately owned daycare center. Coming up to our 4th year now. finances are limited so I work with a small inventory of supplies.

  4. Teri Ware says:

    I just told someone recently how I would like a laminator. It would be SO MUCH easier than trying to use contact paper!

  5. Lauren C. says:

    These are all great picks! I agree on the laminator since mine is still holding up too👍 I would pick the stapler

  6. Jenny Cline says:

    I would love the paper cutter! I have been wanting to add one to my collection of school stuff!!!

  7. Mindy Johnson says:

    I am in need of a new paper cutter! This looks like a great one!

  8. Amanda Russell says:

    I could use all 5 myself but I’d definitely do some awesome things with the binding machine!!!

  9. Thank you for this opportunity! The paper cutter would be amazing!!

  10. I would love the cutter! I do a lot of copying and the cutter would help to cut things out!!!

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