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  1. Ashley Jameson says:

    I would love any! I have a laminator, so I would pick any of the others

  2. Stephanie Povey says:

    I would love to win the binding machine!

  3. Tammy Cleghorn says:

    I agree with this list! I just bought a binding machine this year and we have been busy making social stories for my Early Childhood Special Needs class! The only thing on your list I do not have is the stapler. I would love to have one for fixing books or stapling student booklets.

    Thank you for doing this!!

  4. Beverly Auerbeck says:

    I would love the binder. I use all the other supplies already. They are all definite must haves for all teachers.

  5. I would love the heavy duty stapler that can staple through a thick stack of papers.

  6. I would love the laminator as I do not have a personal one yet!

  7. Val Carvana says:

    I would love the paper cutter!

  8. Andrea Henige says:

    I would like to win the paper cutter. I have one I bought when I was in college in the mid 90s and it has seen better days.

  9. Rosalie Baker says:

    This is truly so awesome!! I would love to get the Binding machine as I have foster kids and love to send books home to parents for the children and I always have to go to Office Max to get it done.. Thank you for a wonderful contest!!!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Aw that’s so great. Thank you for being a foster parent! It’s so needed!

  10. Laminator as mine has finally died after 12 years

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