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  1. I would love to have my own paper cutter!

  2. Dawn Capecci says:

    I could use some these items since I am a home visitor.

  3. Debbi Miller says:

    The book binder! We love to put together homemade books with the class. 💜

    1. Angela Wagner says:

      I would love the laminator. I make lots of games. Thank you for sharing and giving opportunities to others as well!!

  4. That looks like a great binding machine. I have a stack of things that need binding this year.

  5. Sheri Berberian says:

    The paper cutter would be so helpful right now!

  6. Heather Davis says:

    I would love the paper cutter!!

  7. Nicole Bute says:

    I would love any of these items for my homeschool classroom. 🙂

  8. I love the binding machine. Brings back so many memories from when I was in school!

  9. Luisa García says:

    Thank you for your generosity. May God bless you.
    I need a paper cutter. So I would pick the paper cutter.

  10. Amanda Wurm says:

    The paper cutter!

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