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  1. Gail Rohde says:

    I would love to win the binder. I have the other supplies and couldn’t function without them. I would love to be able to make workbooks and bind them.

  2. I would love the binding machine! I love having my home laminator and my paper cutter! They are truly game changers!

  3. Melissa Thomas says:

    I would like the laminator!

  4. I would love to receive the paper cutter as mine has a crack in it.

  5. I would love to own the binding machine. So portable and useful. I would be convenient to have one at home to work on projects. All of the tools are helpful and top rate.

  6. I would like the binding machine. Thank you!

  7. Lauren Peterson says:

    They all are great but I’d love to win the laminator!

  8. Adrienne Greene says:

    I would love the paper cutter! So useful!

  9. Danielle M. says:

    I would love to win the laminator!

  10. I would love to have the stapler!

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