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  1. Rosemarie says:

    laminator, most definitely

  2. Becky Roling says:

    I’d love any of these things, but I don’t have a binder!

  3. The laminator would be fantastic and well used.

  4. Ashley Blasy says:

    Thanks for sharing your recommendations!
    I use contact paper to “laminate” papers/activities right now…but I’ve thought about how nice it would be to have an actual laminator, so that’s the teaching supply I would pick.

  5. Catherine says:

    Great suggestions for supplies Angela.
    I desire to enter but don’t know if I did it correctly. My top pick would be the laminator 😘

  6. Sherrie Abbott says:

    ! would love the laminator!!! thank you!

  7. Ashlee Butler says:

    I would love the binder! What a great thing to have!!

  8. Shana Mae Willoughby says:

    I would love the binding machine.Both of my daughters love books and it would be cool to make them their very own books. Plus it would make our small space much more organized instead of having bulky binders everywhere!

  9. Deb Kelner says:

    I am so grateful for all of your ideas- resources I could not have done without this year! This is such a beautifully, generous offer and should you choose me I’d be so grateful to have a heavy duty paper cutter! Thank you, thank you for all that you do!

  10. Kapra Davis says:

    I would love to win the laminator! I’m a new preschool momma and I need the basics to keep me going.

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