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  1. I would love to win the Stapler, I work in the school library so that would be super handy to make mini books and to repair magazines with.
    I have an at home laminator and use it all the time!!!

  2. Carolyn Medina says:

    I would love the binding machine! Our K students love classmade books, but our school only has 1 binding machine – and it does not work very well anymore.

  3. Sandi Kang says:

    I would love to get the binding machine. It would be perfect for the home packets we send home since we have been virtual since March. 🤞🏽

  4. Wow! A binding machine would be wonderful! Thank you for your generosity!

  5. Briana McGhee says:

    The binding machine would be a life saver. I’d love to be able to make “published” books out of my student’s writing so that I can make a section in our classroom library that is filled with their own work. That would help them see that they are REAL authors and illustrators. Thank you for this chance to win one!

  6. I would love the paper cutter because I am constantly cutting and creating emergent reader books for my students.

  7. Every teacher needs ALL of these! I would love the binding machine. So handy!

  8. Cindy Simmons says:

    I would choose the heavy duty stapler. Your 5 choices are needed by every teacher!

  9. Heather Tyman says:

    Hi! I love all of these supplies! I started homeschooling before COVID happened and all of these are so useful! I love my laminator! It is so useful, but mine is so old and on its last leg! I would love a new one! I’ve never used a binding machine, but I can imagine all that I could do with it! O would love the binding machine!

  10. Cynthia Cox says:

    All of them! But the book binder would be really neat to have on hand!

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