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  1. Trisha Cooper says:

    Great giveaway! I would love to have the binder.

  2. Michelle Underhill says:

    The binding machine 🙂

  3. Kelly Bialk says:

    Laminating was always my favorite as a teacher!! I’d love one for home school!!

  4. Ann Hamann says:

    I would love the laminator or the paper cutter. They are all great products!

  5. Nancy L Musal says:

    I so agree with your wisdom and insight into the top five teaching tools! I would love a laminator. It would be such a help and timesaver.

  6. Darlene Sutton says:

    I would love the book binder. I love making class books and then sending them home for the students to “read” them to their families. Right now i just use rings. To have the books bound would make them last longer.
    Darlene Sutton

  7. Thank you for sharing this! I didn’t know about the book binder! That’s what I’d choose to add to our classroom.

  8. Eeee, so hard to choose. That laminator and the binding machine are dreamy!

  9. Lori Zimbelman says:

    I love love all of the items. but I would absolutely love a heavy duty stapler.

  10. My laminator is a trusty companion. I use it all of the time to give resources a longer lifespan. I would love all of the other resources you have listed in this blog post. All would be a boon to me and save me time. I especially like the idea of having a heavy duty stapler as my staplers really struggle to do the job at times.

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