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  1. I would LOVE the laminating machine!!! My oldest daughter just started Kinder and is doing virtual learning at home. This would come in so handy because I can create more reusable items for her to use during class and for study. My youngest will be in Kinder next year so being able to have reusable items would be a money saver!

  2. Michelle Peek says:

    Would absolutely LOVE to have the papercutter in my classroom. We are constantly prepping materials so they will last through our 60 pre-k Speech/Language delayed kiddos each week! The cutters we have just don’t quite “cut” it–literally or figuratively many times. Would also add good quality scissors and circle cutters of various sizes–they save so much time!!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Oh that’s a good one. I’ve never had circle cutters, but I’m sure they are a time saver!!

  3. All of those essentials are amazing! I never would have given a binging machine a thought but man that would be super cool and useful! I also love the stapler! Too many great choices!

  4. Kaila Weingarten says:

    Love the stapler! I never saw such a great one!

  5. Brittney Brown says:

    The laminator or the binder!! Oh my! The laminator at work is roughly 100 decades old and quite slow and troublesome to use !

  6. I would absolutely LOVE the binding machine!

  7. Lauren Fiorentino says:

    The heavy duty stapler would be great to win!

  8. Laura Zachar says:

    I have everything but the binder. What a great list for those just starting out!

  9. Bobbi McIntire says:

    They’re all awseome but I’d love the pencil sharpener and paper cutter!

  10. I would love the laminator

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