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  1. Jody Kazmier says:

    That binding machine would be a HUGE help! Right now, I have to go into the teacher’s lounge and drag out a 20 pound machine from a low cabinet. This one looks so much lighter. AND, it would be great to have one at home since we still have not gone back to in-person learning since last March.

  2. Stephanie Conrad says:

    I would love to win either the paper cutter or the binder.

  3. Alison M. says:

    I agree… a laminator is essential. My husband has even requested things be laminated–for instance when he had a diagram for a car he is restoring… we scanned and laminated it from the manual so he could look at it with greased up hands and not worry about damaging the book!
    I have also noticed I’ve done a LOT of cutting lately, but I’m ok with that and with letting my little loves do the cutting and be ok with their imperfections.

    But that binding machine!!! I remember using it in an office and it was amazing!! I hadn’t thought of using it for all the flip charts we have… letters, numbers, fun activity books we’ve made… the uses could be endless! The binding machine would be my pick.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Yes to all of this! My husband has used ours, too. It’s so handy to have at home! And yes, the binding machine is equally awesome!

  4. Rhonda Kirsten says:

    the binding machine would add anew level of fun to my teaching.

  5. Absolutely love all of these items, especially the laminator!!! Who doesn’t love a laminator?! 🙂

  6. That paper cutter❤️

  7. Beth Lozitsky says:

    I would love the laminator. My remote learning business needs this. thanks

  8. Texas Firefighter Wife says:

    The Paper Cutter! I don’t have one, and my poor scissors are on it’s last cut. : -(

  9. I would love the pencil sharpener!!!! I have not found one that lasts!

  10. Eileen Bramer says:

    If theses items aren’t a teacher’s best friend I don’t know what would be.
    The pencil sharpener would be helpful to me.

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