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  1. Reba Cloud says:

    Those are all useful tools. I think I will most need the binding machine. I love making class books.

  2. I just bought a laminator this year and it has made my heart SO happy!! Next on the list is a paper cutter – that would make prepping at home for my early childhood kiddos much easier!! The book binder would be fun too – though it intimidates me a bit!!!

  3. Amy DuBois says:

    I think i would have to go with the binder because i don’t have one and can see that being very helpful! I used to bind things all the time when i was working at a school and do miss that convenience!

  4. Amen to that! I’d love a laminator! It would by far speed up the waterproofing of materials. Right now I just use packing tape! Lol

  5. I’d love to have my own laminator or book binder! Thanks for the opportunity!

  6. Awesome give away! I would love the paper cutter!

  7. Kendra Barnum says:

    Thank you for doing this!!!! As a first year teacher (AKA full-time employee working from home and attempting to do virtual school with my kids) all of these would be marvelous!!

  8. Rachael Valenzuela says:

    These tools would be so helpful! Thanks for the tips!

  9. Melissa K. says:

    What a great giveaway! I would love to win the laminator!

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