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  1. Great items! I would love any of them!

  2. Andee Nye says:

    I would love to have the stapler. I have always wanted one! Thank you for doing this!

  3. I’ve been wanting and needing a laminator for so long! Especially this year with homeschooling my 2 little ones.

  4. I would love to win the binding machine. My Grandfather helped invent parts of the original binders and my Uncle ran a factory that produced the binders. I would love to use it to make books with my kids.

  5. Rachel Boni says:

    I can never find an amazing stapler- they all seem flimsy! If I won, that is what I would choose- if it works great for you, maybe it would be the answer to my stapler prayers! Thanks for hosting these giveaways!!

  6. Jessica C says:

    The binding machine would be amazing! Thanks for this opportunity!

  7. Eek! I’ve been following you for years now, and I loved when you did the 12 giveaways last year. I love the products you recommend! Any of these sound like fantastic additions, but the binding machine looks awesome!! So many books!!!

  8. I would love to win a nice durable stapler. It would come in handy this year as I am homeschooling my three children. I am constantly printing and making booklets and things so this would be great. Thank you so much for the opportunity!

  9. Brooke Adams says:

    These all look like amazing teacher tools! Thank you for always being an incredible resource for me and my students!

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