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  1. Joana Montes says:

    I would love a laminator but anything would be awesome. Your right teaching is underestimated when it comes to what a person needs to actually teach.

  2. I would love to have a paper cutter to replace the old, tiny, cheap one I’ve had for years.

  3. Deanna M Brown says:

    Paper cutter! We have been using a small one from my scrapbooking supplies and it just isn’t cutting it!

    Bought a laminator and it has been fantastic!

  4. Jessica Jilg says:

    I would love to win the laminator! Our school has a very tight budget, as many Title 1 buildings do, and we only have one roll of lamination left for the rest of the year!!!!

  5. Amanda Odom says:

    I would love to have the laminator or the stapler!

  6. Thanks for an awesome giveaway!

  7. Christina Connor says:

    All are must haves! A heavy duty stapler is a must have. The copy room never has a working one! 🙂

  8. Great giveaway! As a homeschooling momma the laminator would be amazing!

  9. Karen Wilson says:

    All of these are great! The book binder or pencil sharpener are the only two I don’t have!

  10. Jennifer Overstreet says:

    Wow! What a sweet giveaway! Thank you! Such a tough decision to pick from! I would have to say the at-home laminator!

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