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  1. I would pick the pencil sharpener. My grandson colors with colored pencils all the time and I am constantly sharpening them with a plastic sharpener. Thank you for doing this. You are going to make some parent, grandparent or teacher very happy.

  2. samantha cioffi says:

    i would love the laminator

  3. I would love the laminator. It would be so helpful with homeschooling.

  4. Charlette says:

    Oh how generous! I have always wanted a binder!!

  5. Kimberly Clark says:

    This is amazing! I would LOVE the binder! It would save me money and trips to staples!

  6. Whitney Hallock says:

    I agree all of those are so necessary in teaching. I think I would go with the stapler at this time, though it is hard to choose.

  7. I think the binder would be cool to have! All the possibilities it would give.

  8. Andrea Williams says:

    I would LOVE to win the Heavy Duty Stapler. It would be AWESOME to have my own, and not have to borrow the one at school when stapling books, or journals for my littles. 🙂

  9. Danielle Gerberding says:

    I would love to win the binding machine. I have everything on the list except that. It would be so useful to have!!! 🙂

  10. Elizabeth McClure says:

    I would love the laminator!!! It has been on my wish list to purchase !!

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