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  1. Marianna Moustaka says:

    A binding machine would be so useful in my classroom. Thank you very much!

  2. Sara Salazar says:

    The laminator would be most helpful to me as a mom who home schools. Thank you.

  3. I am always printing great resources from the internet, but laminating them would extend their life, and make them reuseable.

  4. Denyse M. says:

    I would love to win the laminator! I do not always have time in the day to go to the Teacher Resource Center. Having this on hand, would be amazing!

    It would save me time & would help me greatly! If I had it on hand, it would save me time & money! I like to laminate, games, nametags, resources! #Hopetowinthis!!!

  5. I would love the laminator. I am a first year preschool teacher who needs her own personal one!

  6. EducationMelanie says:

    Because a binding machine would be soo helpful. Thank you for the chance.

  7. Why would I love to win the binding machine……let me count the ways….. Class books, year end gift books (like a year book) small binders for each kid with stuff inside for them to do when they are done with their “work”, getting myself organized…I am sure I am forgetting something!

  8. I would love to have a laminator to make my life so much easier!

  9. Sarah Lantrip says:

    Wow! No teacher should ever be without a laminator! It is a wonderful tool for being able to use items over and over. IT is also great for preserving student work:)

  10. Jeanne Ramos says:

    I need a heavy duty stapler in my school life. Regular staplers aren’t always up to the job.

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