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  1. I am a retired kindergarten teacher and am now providing daycare/nursery school for my 2 granddaughters. I have all of the other tools except the laminator. I never realized how much I relied on the my school’s laminator and I would love to have one for the materials I am using at home.

  2. Teena Plona says:

    I would love the laminator. I now have to homeschool my severely Autistic, severely developmentally delayed, nonverbal son. He can no longer attend school because of mask mandates. It would be very beneficial to me and homeschooling him.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I just want to say that you are an amazing mom for homeschooling him! I’m sure it is not always easy. <3

  3. Robyn Fox says:

    I have all the items except the laminator could really use one

  4. Daniela Oropeza says:

    Would love to win the laminator! I do not own one I have to take everything to the public library.
    -Thank You!!

  5. Lillian K says:

    The laminator would be the most used item for sure!

  6. Would love to win the paper cutter for homeschool and children’s ministry use.

  7. I would love to win any of these handy items! Though I do have my eye on the paper cutter. That thing is so useful!

  8. I love having my laminator at home. I do wish they made a more portable one with rolls though. We also love our Xacto pencil sharpener

  9. Jamie Pignatelli says:

    Paper Cutter. I’ve bought a few that never work

  10. Allia Allen says:

    I have to have my laminator! It’s a must

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