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  1. Bonnie McGraw says:

    Thank you for the great ideas!

  2. These are all excellent teaching items that make teaching a little easier. I would love the laminator!

  3. I would love a paper cutter! It would help me prepare stations!

  4. Theresa Lehmann says:

    The heavy duty pencil sharpeners come in handy in the speech therapy room when students have dull pencils or press too hard and break the tip off their pencils.

  5. Corrie Filstrup says:

    I agree! All of these supplies are fabulous things to have in the classroom. So many times others staff “borrow” my supplies and don’t return things so I’m buying them for the 3rd or 4th time. The only thing I’ve never had and would love is the book binder. This is so handy for just about everything! Thank you for the opportunity

  6. Tricia Conner says:

    I live my Xacto pencil sharpener! I would love to have a binding machine.

  7. Mariah Samek says:

    I would love to win one of these teaching supplies!!

  8. Shiloh Olson says:

    My laminator has put on some miles and is pretty tired.😜

  9. Becky Roling says:

    Those are all awesome products! Would love to win one!

  10. Would love to have a binder machine to create sight word booklets for my emerging readings to take home.

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