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  1. Richelle Meacham says:

    My first choice would be the stapler, but a binding machine would be awesome also! I have the other things already and you are so right about them being so necessary!

  2. Luisa García says:

    I don’t see my post from earlier so here is another one.
    Thank you for being so generous.
    I would love the paper cutter.
    May God bless you.

  3. Robyn Bischof says:

    These are all AMAZING!! The binder is my favorite!

  4. Brianna Thompson says:

    Awesome giveaway! I would LOVE the laminator! I laminate so many activities for my kiddos but I have to wait to get to work to do it! It would save me so much time if I had my own!

  5. Sheniqua White says:

    Such a hard choice lol but I would love the paper cutter. We usually always cut things by hand since we moved offices.

  6. Kayl Marie says:

    I would love the laminator! I never realized how much time I get back when I can reuse items over and over again for years.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      That is SO true!

  7. I love having an laminator in my classroom. I would really like the paper cutter or the binding machine.

  8. Brittney Brodbeck says:

    Amazing giveaway! These are brilliant!

  9. Merja Duke says:

    Pencil Sharpener would be great, I am always borrowing one from the office. =) Our School supplies the rest….

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