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  1. Thank you for offering this as a freebie! My youngest is going to love this activity!

  2. Stephanie Fidler says:

    I love the upper case magna tile letters. Could have you mail me a set that are already colored and printed out if I mail you a check?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Hi! Can you send me an email and we can chat about this? Thanks! angela(at)teachingmama(dot)org.

  3. Do you have lowercase cards?

  4. My students absolutely love these. You should do numbers too.

  5. Erin Johnson says:

    These are fantastic! I was wondering if you had or would consider doing a set of these cards for numbers?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      That’s a great idea! I’ll try to get that done soon!

  6. Glenda Y Charles says:

    Will love to try this activity

  7. Thank you, these are great. I had just ordered 3 more sets for my classroom.

  8. Thank you so much! My littles are going to love these. Great idea. Thanks again

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