Magna Tile Uppercase Letter Cards
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Do you have Magna Tiles at home or in the classroom? One way to use them is to create letters with the tiles! It’s a really fun, tactile way to learn alphabet letters, too!
To do this activity, you’ll need two things:
- alphabet cards (find the printable at the end of this post)
- magnetic tiles, such as Magna Tiles or Picasso Tiles
Children can use the printable to guide them as they create the letters. You do not have to use the printable, but it’s helpful to follow if you’re unsure how to make the letters.
Some pages are easier, like the letter G. This one only uses square tiles.
Each page shows the alphabet letter and also a fruit that starts with that letter. You will probably notice a few fruits that we don’t have in the United States. I had to get creative for the letter X!
Ways to Use This Printable
- At home for a fun activity
- In the classroom at a literacy center
- In a small group of kids for learning to work cooperatively
- Build the letters on a magnetic surface, like a refrigerator
There is one page per letter in this printable. I’ve also put together a “cheat sheet” for you, that contains all the letters on 3 pages for an easy reference.
You can download this FREE printable by clicking the button below! Have fun! 🌈
Thank you for offering this as a freebie! My youngest is going to love this activity!
I love the upper case magna tile letters. Could have you mail me a set that are already colored and printed out if I mail you a check?
Hi! Can you send me an email and we can chat about this? Thanks! angela(at)teachingmama(dot)org.
Do you have lowercase cards?
Yes I do. YOu can find them here:
My students absolutely love these. You should do numbers too.
These are fantastic! I was wondering if you had or would consider doing a set of these cards for numbers?
That’s a great idea! I’ll try to get that done soon!
Will love to try this activity
Thank you, these are great. I had just ordered 3 more sets for my classroom.
Thank you so much! My littles are going to love these. Great idea. Thanks again