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  1. I just came across your page! Thank you for sharing these booklets 💓

  2. Wow! You are amazingly talented. This package is preparing my pre-k twins for Kindergarten. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and talents with us.

  3. What a wonderful packet! Thank you VERY much for sharing!!!

  4. Wanda Rigsby says:

    I tried to make a copy of the sight word books again but it said the author will not let me print again. I bought it and I did not know I had to print it all at one time. I need to get it printed again, but I am not buying it again. Wanda Rigsby

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Hi Wanda! You can print them as many times as you’d like. Please email me if it’s not letting you do that. [email protected]

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