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  1. Learn Play Read says:

    I’m always looking for more ways to reach the parents of preschoolers I interact with as a librarian! It’s so helpful to provide different resources and links for different parents. Thank you!

  2. This is a great list. I work as a behavior analyst and many of my clients are children with develomental disabilities between the ages of 4 to 7 and parents are always asking what types of things their kids should be doing or know by a certain age so I can definitely share this with them.

    On a personal level, as I was reading through the list, I noticed that my 2 y.o. daughter is already doing many of those things – she’s been attending a center based daycare since she was an infant and the teachers there have been amazing about incorporating a curriculum into everything they do throughout the day. I guess I’m wondering how I can challenge her further, since she still has a few years left before kindergarten, and will she end up being bored when she gets there?? I’ve worked with kids for many years, but as a mom I’m a rookie. What are your thoughts?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      That’s amazing that she can do so many things! Such a blessing! I would continue to build on those skills. So if she knows her alphabet letters and sounds, then move on to other pre-reading skills, like the ones in this post:

      You can also work on more math…simple addition and subtraction, 3-D shapes, and story problems. I hope this helped out! <3

  3. Hello, I was wondering if this list is what they learn throughout kindergarten or if they should know most of it before entering so that they can learn new things or build upon this foundation? I guess i’m wondering, for children that already know these things (like an older child who’d be 6 coming in to kinder and missed the birthday cut off for the previous year), would the parents speak to someone in the school about skipping a grade or do you think there’s more to learn in kinder?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      This is what preschoolers should learn to be prepared for Kindergarten. You’d have to talk to the school district about skipping a grade. I believe each school has a different policy for this. Best of luck to you!

  4. Great checklist,thank you .

  5. Cheryl Buie says:

    Great list….is this aligned with the Commmon Core Starndards for PreK? Thanks!!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Thanks! No, I did not align this list with the Common Core Standards. This list was compiled from my teaching experience and extensive research.

  6. Kirstylee says:

    This is a great checklist. I definitely don’t think a preschooler needs to do every one of these things before Kindergarten, but being able to do most of them will be a big help. Thanks for the list!

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      I agree, Kirstylee! This is just a guideline and I don’t think many preschoolers can master every single one of them before Kindergarten. Just a checklist to see what to work on. Thanks for your comment!

  7. Susan Core says:

    Thank you for putting this together. I jumped right in head first homeschooling Seth Kindergarten so no experience with the Pre-K years. Kaila is eager to learn so excited to make that more of a priority than this year was for her.

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      Oh good! I know that PreK isn’t something you have to do, but I do believe that it’s helpful to work on before starting Kindergarten. That is wonderful that Kaila is eager to learn!! Hope this will help you out. Take care!

  8. Thanks! I have been looking for a list like this. Everyone I talk to just says to keep working on numbers, letters, colors, etc, but I am checklist kind of mama! 🙂

    1. Teaching Mama says:

      Great! That’s what I love to hear. Hope this is helpful for you!

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