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  1. Hello Angella, first of all, I would like to thank you for sharing the packet you are extremely generous. I am truly grateful. They are all very good learning packets besides from this will greatly help the children but it is also a big help for us, as parents and educators too. i am fairly new in teaching and would like to ask about your technique in curriculum, it is better to print it all at once and file in the binder and just pull it and photocopy it whenever I will use it or (I am planning to purchase some of your lesson plans in future after I figure out first how to organize it) shall I just create like a daily lesson plan then print it like a week ahead for their worksheet. I don’t know the best way to stay organized on my curriculum. Do you just print it whenever you need it or do you keep a binder to put your packet? I will really appreciate all your tips and help again thank you very very much for sharing this.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Thanks for your kind words, Lori! It’s really up to you how you use the packet. I originally designed this printable to be a packet that students could do at home during the pandemic. It is a lot for kids to do all at once and I wouldn’t recommend using it all in one day or even one week. You could do one nursery rhyme or fairy tale per week and print off what you need for each week.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing. Your site is one of my favourites. These packages will enhance my teaching program and I am sure will be enjoyed immensely by the children.

  3. Kaori Jaime says:

    Hi! I found the form on my phone to get the free packet (I don’t see it when I’m on my laptop) just want to say thank you! I feel like I have a solid place to start and something to work with!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I’m sorry about that glitch. Not sure what that happened!

  4. Julie Kawamura says:

    Hi, I’m new to your site. I was wondering what your system is…are some activities free and some cost? Or do you post things for free at first and then charge after a period of time? I was looking at the Kindergarten Literacy Packet that says it’s still downloadable for free, but when I click the link, it goes to a shopping cart-type page. Thank you for all these wonderful resources!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Hello! Yes, most printables are free and some do cost. This printable is completely free. You do need to sign up to be on my newsletter to receive the PDF for free. Hope that helps!

  5. Maya Rossa says:

    Thank you for your generosity, Angela. My daughter was so excited when j show her all the printables. And she’s looking forward to do the activitiy tomorrow 😀

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