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  1. Wow. This was great. Rainy day today tired of making play dough. Lol. This was perfect we used empty dishwashing liquid bottles The girls loved it. Age 6 9 and 9. Easy and fun. I got in on it! Thank you so much!!

  2. Natalie Kupiak says:

    Can you use regular paint instead of food colouring? Wanting brown

  3. Can you also tell us how long the painting last? Cos I’m thinking of making this puff paint with my little nephew and put it in his art and craft collage and make a frame out of it. I only want to know if it last longer years. Thank you

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Great question! I have only tested it for months and it held up great. I’m sorry I don’t know how it lasts over the years.

  4. Great recipe! My 5 year old son with a rather short attention span loved it.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thank you after searching thru many sites only to get redirected deeper and deeper into peoples pages and never truly finding the recipe. It was nice to see a site that did not mess around and posting the recipe right on top. Who has the time…. Ty can’t wait to try

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I agree that it’s frustrating not to find the recipe right away! Thank you!

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