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  1. Thank you so much,glad I found this booklet.When I picked up my son yesterday from school he is so excited to share with me what he had learned at school and he tell me about this five little pumpkins and I want him to surprise later in the morning when he wakes up.Is it okay to let him bring this booklet at school?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Yes, of course!

  2. I love this book as take-home book for my kinders! Would it be possible to provide a version with 2 identical pages on one page? It would save a lot of assembly time if I could print, staple and cut two books at once. Thanks in advance!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Yes I can do that. I’ll email it to you!

      1. Thank you very much for the teacher version! If you ever get a chance to make in black-and-white so that the children can color it, I would love it and greatly appreciate it!

  3. Lorraine R. Clark says:

    Thank you for the Five Little Pumpkins booklet using the alternative word Leaves. The graphics are also amazing!

  4. Lynette Corley says:

    I made your Five Little Pumpkins booklet for my grandson, who had just learned the song at preschool this year. Because he loves to take things apart I wanted to cover the staples. I cut a rectangle out of orange cardstock and glued it to the booklet to make a binder to cover the staples from both sides. He loves it! Thank you.

  5. Our Precious Scholars says:

    Thank you for sharing. Each child took home a copy of the book. And we did an art project based on the book. Using popsicle stickers and paper pumpkins.

  6. Darlene Gormly says:

    This is so cute — thank you for sharing! Is there any chance for an alternate page for “witches in the air?” We always sing the “there are bats in the air” version, just to not offend families who do not celebrate Halloween or have certain faith-based beliefs. I would love to be able to share this cute book with my kiddos. Thank you again!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Yes! I loooove that idea. I agree that I don’t really love the word “witches” so thank you for the alternative word! I’ll create that tonight and add it to the post.

      1. Emily Rodstrom says:

        We say there’s a chill in the air 🙂 just another alternative for you.

    2. I love the bats, we also sing it’s cold in the air, but we don’t care!

  7. I love the 5 Little Pumpkin book, was just wondering instead when making the book with children a mom or teacher could actually have the children draw where you have the pumpkins. Not only working on reading but also making sets of 5.

    thanks for sharing

  8. Gerri Treat says:

    I love the velcro glove idea Robyn!! If you don’t mind I will use it also!

    I teach 4.5-5.5 year olds and I love that they can take home a book to “read” to their parents!
    I am going to write page numbers on the pages and have them put them in order after cutting them out! Just a little extra challenge plus I can see who has advanced in number recognition! I love these emergent reader ideas and booklets!

  9. Robyn Lingras says:

    This is a good follow-up activity to one I use. I have a glove with velcro and the kids get to put on//take off pumpkins as they say the rhyme. Then we could use the print version you provided to get the visual literacy component.
    Thanks for the cute booklet 🙂

  10. Tracy Barrett says:

    I love, love, love this!! I made two copies last night. One for my two year old and one for my kids at school. My daughter quickly caught on to the rhyme and was soon retelling my husband the story.

    Do you have more of the rhyme or printable booklets?

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