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  1. Lennetta Gray-Brewton says:

    Awesome!! Fantastic for virtual learning. I am excited to participate!!

  2. I love the small size of this document camera. My current one is large and cumbersome to use.

  3. What a great review on this. Thanks for finding an awesome and easy to use one.

  4. This camera sounds like a great tool for the classroom.

  5. Christina C says:

    This is an awesome camera! I can think of so many ways I could use it in my classroom!

  6. Cris Cano says:

    I would love to have this new tool in my classroom.

    1. This would be interesting to try

  7. Jennifer McDonald says:

    This like this would be great for my kids that have to post stuff on google classroom. The phone or ipad camera, just doesn’t work.

    Thank you for all the teaching hacks, to help make our life easier.
    God Bless

  8. Sally DePasquale says:

    I would actually love to gift this to my brother who is a middle school art teacher in LA. He has outdated equipment and this would be amazing for him to share art work and art techniques virtually and in person.

  9. Ashley Davidson says:

    That looks so cool and incredibly useful in a classroom setting!

  10. Wow! I didn’t know something like this existed! This is so useful for virtual learning!

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