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  1. Haviva Davids Diena says:

    This is a great prize – I have been wanting one of these for a while.

  2. This looks so useful! I think it would help me project reading materials well as I tutor students.

  3. Nicole Watson says:

    I have a document camera in my classroom that I use ALL THE TIME! I can’t imagine not having one. An extra one to use at home would be amazing while making videos for times we are virtual.

  4. This camera would be a great way to demonstrate directly from the text. which is difficult to do when working with students. As it is now, I write on the board what I’m trying to explain or demonstrate.

  5. I would love to have this. This looks super to teach students.

  6. Wow! These are great! I would love to try this in my resource room! Thanks for all the fun tips and helpful info!

  7. I Would love to have one of these. It would have been so useful in my schools.

  8. Would love to have one of these. It would have been so useful last year when schools were switched to virtual learning!

  9. Years ago I used a similar device. An EMO?? I don’t recall the name. It was great to have, especially to share stories, books and pictures. I will need to investigate this updated version, inless I am privileged enough to receive one. Thank you for sharing this information.

  10. Cathy McDonald says:

    I would love to have the doc cam to teach directed drawings! And then there are the other 999 reasons to have one! Thank you for your consideration!

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