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  1. What a great idea! We normally huddled around the monitor to see.

  2. This would be awesome to use with my Pre-K students. They’d be able to see things better and interact more.

  3. This would be great for story time!

  4. I have always wanted to try this, just didn’t have an updated system- now I can do it if I win!

  5. LaRayne McGahan says:

    I borrowed a doc camera from one of my schools and I have loved it, especially for my virtual students! I had no idea that pictures could be taken with it! That is so cool! I would love to have my own so that I could use it for my in-person students and also be able to take pictures of their work as well!

  6. I teach young preschoolers and this could be a lot of fun to use with a projector!

  7. Daniela Oropeza says:

    This would make story time so much easier so all the little ones will be able to see the pictures.
    Thank you!

  8. Allia Allen says:

    I woul LOVE this camera! As a Children’s Librarian I record online educational video, this would come in handy.. In addition I could see this being useful at Storytime for showing book pages to a larger crowd as well.

  9. Sarah Dillon says:

    I think my students would love this! I would love this. Thanks.

  10. Thanks for sharing. I haven’t seen one of these. It would be great for some of my vision impaired kiddos and basic everyday use too. How much more fun reading time would be AND I could do group demos and everyone could see what was happening.

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