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  1. It would definitely be great to use this for my hybrid class so both the online and face to face kids can see what we are doing!

  2. Kimberleigh C Howard says:

    I love how flexible this one is! I inherited a classroom with a VERY old doc cam and it doesn’t work anymore 🙁 When it did, it had limited movement and was very jerky.

  3. Carol Tavares says:

    I would like to win this because I go into several classrooms every day and think this would be a great take along instead of having to use the classroom teacher’s.

  4. Rhonda Tucker says:

    That is a great tool! I personally wouldn’t be able to use it for teaching my grandkids. But my daughter teaches Agriscience and it would be a great addition to her teaching!

    Thanks for the chance to win one!

  5. Special Ed kids would really benefit from one of these!

  6. Rebecca Schober says:

    These are so cool. I would love one of these for my classroom, especially for math concepts and reading to the class.

  7. Saw on one these in use when I subbed in a local school. This would expand my ability to do lots more in lots of different places and ways!

  8. Oooo! So many good ideas! I can think of lots of ways to use this doc cam in the classroom.

  9. Brenda Brown says:

    I would love to win because the one we are using is old. Love this version.

  10. Nicole Kampwirth says:

    Love this! Always wanted a document camera and this one looks great!

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