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  1. I wish you had pictures of the alternative sitting positions and not just the descriptions

  2. veronica l taylor says:

    good posters

  3. Tina Wallace says:

    Oh geez I was just writing this big long thank you and explaining why and how much this means…. When my oldest started preschool she was the one sad at the end of every day because she could never get a “Green Day” she was not physically or mentally able to (I did ultimately get her an ADHD diagnosis but I shouldn’t have had to like that (she still never got a Green Day) now my son 5 years younger has cerebral palsy and he just recently has been able to sit “criss cross applesauce” believe me it’s not for lack of trying.. it kills me that more teachers aren’t educated enough to be more accepting and lead by example. Thank you for this – I will definitely be sharing!!

    For your membership you don’t say what grades it’s geared towards.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Thank you for your kind words and thanks for sharing! Thanks for the tip about my membership page…I added it! It is for preschool through 2nd grade.

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