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  1. Jennifer Stuart says:

    I love that you didn’t make him do a bunch of handwriting! Scissor cutting and playdough activities are also amazing for those little hands!! We also offer some other great kindergarten prep activities at 🙂

  2. Just curious.. How old is your son? He writes so well. Mine is three and he writes just not nearly this great. We are starting to do these things daily. He is only three but shows a great love for learning so we are doing these just for fun for now. Thanks for the great ideas. I’m loving your blog

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      You are so kind. He was 5 and a half in this picture. When he was 3, he couldn’t hardly write. After building up fine motor skills, I saw improvement in his writing. Now he’s 6.5 and his writing is good and he loves to write! Best of luck to you! 🙂

  3. Thank you. I knew I should have been doing these things because my mom did these with me but your page was an extra kick in the pants I needed. Thank you. May your children be forever blessed and appreciative of the work you are putting into their lives.

  4. Thanks for this article and great ideas. I will immediately begin implementing the ones I haven’t started yet.

  5. susen @Dabbling Momma says:

    my daughter will also be entering kindergarten this fall so these ideas are great!
    susen @Dabbling Momma recently posted…Ice-Pop Match GameMy Profile

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