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  1. Penny Collin says:

    Thanks for all the great ideas!

  2. These ideas are really creative and will be fun!

    Blessings, Rachel

  3. Catherine says:

    So many great uses for these!

  4. Stephanie says:

    I have seen pop its but have not used them in the classroom yet.

  5. I love this idea! My oldest is so tactile and hands on with learning and this will be a game changer for her! Thank you so much for this!

  6. I haven’t used them in my classroom yet but I think I will try the Syllable Counting first since it is an activity usually done by clapping our hands.

  7. I’ve used pop its to play math games. Love the idea to use the alphabet pop it for spelling words when practicing phoneme segmentation.

  8. I never thought about using them in some of these ways. Thanks for the ideas.

  9. Robin Rickman says:

    Multiple word repetitions in speech therapy!

  10. All great ideas! I love it!

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