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  1. I would like to win this so I can use it like a timer. It seems like it would be great for many other uses too.

  2. Jodi Ledger says:

    This would be an amazing tool to use in my classroom. Technology is so impressive!

  3. Teresa Lass says:

    I’d love to win an Echo Dot for my classroom since it can be used in so many different ways!

  4. Thank you for sharing all the ways that you can use an Echo Dot! I had NO clue!! I would love to win and use it for a listening center! My kinders would love it!!Thank you for the chance!

  5. I never realize the hidden potential in an echo dot! What a wonderful list of time saving ways to use one in the classroom. Students will love it, and so will substitute teachers. The best post I have read today!

  6. I would love to win this for home or my classroom!

  7. I would love one to use in classrooms when i am visiting as well as my home visiting program. Even in the office when i have children here doing visits. I model how to work through behaviors and how to implement new songs and large group, etc. this would be a very useful tool

  8. Hannah Biggs says:

    I’d love to win because all of the suggestions on how to use it sound really exciting to try. I’m always behind in my schedule or fumbling for a song for transition. It would be nice to just tell alexa to quickly play a certain song.

  9. So many fun ways to use this! I had no idea.

  10. Gerardo Soliz says:

    Love all your ideas.

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