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  1. Julia Cai says:

    This would be a fun addition to therapy!! I do speech therapy and need things that are motivating to get my kids to communicate. I think they would love to ask Alexa to play a song or they could ask a question, etc.

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Yes!! Great ideas!

  2. Hi!
    I love your ideas! We have an echo dot at home and we use it daily for timers, music, weather, jokes,… and most important my little one loves to listen to audiobooks! I can totally see how useful it could be in a classroom!
    Thanks for all the great Giveaways and the ideas that come with them.

  3. Sophia Rao says:

    I am just building my Preschool after a really difficult time post-Covid 19. I truly believe this EchoDot will be a wonderful addition for my children because it can do amazing things! !

  4. Heather T says:

    I would love to use a Echo in my classroom with my English Learners!

  5. For times, reminders, music,

  6. Timers and Audio books! What a great idea. I think you typically go to the traditional playing of music but I love these other ideas!!! Thanks for all the suggestions, I love it!!!

  7. Harold Johnston says:

    Thank you – these are some excellent ideas. I would live one for my classroom for all of the above reasons!

  8. Julianna Daniels says:

    These would make a great addition to the day program that I manage! So many great and useful things we could do with these! Thanks for the ideas!

  9. Harold Johnston says:

    Thank you – some excellent ideas! i would love one of these for my classroom for all of the reasons stated above!

  10. Shannon James says:

    The thought of an echo dot never crossed my mind. I hope to be able to get one and try these fabulous ideas. Thanks for the tips.

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