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  1. Cynthia Childs says:

    I would like to have thatsend to my email thank you

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      So happy to hear that, Sylvia! Thank you!!

  2. Lovely! Thank you – these are great and I will certainly be using them loads!

  3. Nancy Saldana says:

    Great ideas!, I only have one year experience working with kids and loving to lean more and more for them.

  4. Thanks so much for these ideas! I am a first year preschool teacher and have been struggling during my transitions. My students will love these and hopefully those transitions will go a little smoother!

  5. Cindy Gresham says:

    I teach a class of 12 PK three yr olds with no helper. Singing combined with movement is something we all love. My favorite one of this post is the one about moods to the tune of If you’re happy ….Thanks for sharing, Cindy

  6. Great ideas here! I love introducing children to new songs especially when I need help getting cleaned up at transition time.

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