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  2. So cute! A good way to make routines fun!

  3. Claudia Luna says:

    THANK YOU !!

  4. Roxanne Figueroa says:

    Hi this is such a great idea and my son is going to love this. Unfortunately, some of the pictures do not print. Is there a way to get the prints emailed to me?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Hi there! It should print. Make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Reader. That can sometimes cause printing issues.

  5. These are great! I’m going to put them up along with clock cards to show the time for my kindergarten and first grader! Is it possible to buy a few more? I would additionally need chores, outside,snack, feed pets,family time, and screen time. I would make them myself but my poor OCD would go crazy if they did not match =) Thanks!

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Sure! Send me an email and I’ll help ya out! angela(at)teachingmama(dot)org

  6. Dear Angela,

    I had been hunting for routine cards for my child. Either you had to pay up or they were not appropriate.
    Your site is so simple and to the point with very nice cards.
    Thank you soo much.

  7. Khin May Phyu says:

    Thank you so much .

  8. Curala Dyer says:

    I am unable to download the daily routine cards. I’ve subcribed for the newsletter twice and I haven’t received any information in being able to access them. Can you please help? Thank you

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Sure. You just click on the link in the post and it will automatically download. I will email you.

  9. Cute. This is a great way to teach kids create a set of routine. And not just for kids, too. But for anyone getting into a new habit as a simple visual reminder.

  10. Angela Thayer, thanks so much for the post.Really thank you! Great.

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