Count and Clip Icicle Cards
Is it freezing where you live? We have such cold weather here, but no snow right now! Truthfully, I’d rather have snow if it’s going to be so cold out! We do, however, have icicles. Icicles are so pretty! The icicles inspired me to do some activities with my kids, like create a model of an icicle. I also created these Count and Clip Icicle Cards that are great for working on fine motor skills, counting, and one-to-one correspondence (which means matching numerals to objects).
Here’s what you need for this activity:
- count and clip printable (download at the bottom of the post!)
- clothespins
- marker
- scissors
- card stock paper
After you print the printable onto card stock paper, cut the cards apart. Write numbers 1-12 onto clothespins with a marker. Then invite your child to look at a card, count the number of icicles on it, find the clothespin with that number on it and clip it to the number.
If your child has a hard time with the clothespin, have them circle the correct number with a pencil.
You can download this free printable here —> Count & Clip Icicles
Hope you enjoy this activity!

This is such a perfect task for our Water study!! Thank you for sharing your great stuff!