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  1. I tried to do this but found that things were not sticking to the paper. :(. i tried pom poms and pipe cleaners but when those wouldn’t work i stopped trying. thoughts? 🙁

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Oh no! Try tissue paper pieces, sequins, feathers, anything lightweight.

  2. What kind of tape do you use to stick it to the table?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      I used blue painter tape and the other was green duct tape. It’s just what I had around the house. You can use anything…even Scotch tape. Hope that helps!

  3. I would love to do this at my 3 year olds bday party. Any ideas on how to send this home with the kids or do you just toss them after?

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      That would be so fun! Hmm the only thing I can think of is to put another piece of contact paper on top (facing down) so it kind of sandwiches everything together. Does that make sense? Good luck!

  4. Esther Misha says:

    Hi, i kind of like this activity. May i ask does the kids use glue to stick on it or …? Pls advice …
    Would love to let my darling do this one day 🙂

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      You use contact paper, which is sticky paper. You do not need glue. You can buy contact paper here: Clear Contact Paper
      Hope that helps!

  5. This is a simple but fun project! And you can make a collage out of almost anything. Even nature things (leaves, sticks) would make a cool collage on contact paper. Thanks for sharing!
    Emma recently posted…Drawing on Tree BarkMy Profile

  6. Kirstylee says:

    I have done activities like this with my kids before and they liked it, but didn’t love it. I absolutely love the way you have all the materials set out in glass bowls. The presentation is so pleasing to the eye, it probably makes it more exciting for your kids to create. I’ll definitely have to try this activity again with a more visually pleasing presentation like you have.
    Kirstylee recently posted…Walk on Pillows for Gross Motor DevelopmentMy Profile

    1. Angela Thayer says:

      Thanks, Amy! I think it would be perfect for these cooler days or any day you just want your toddler to stay busy for a bit! I’m sure you know how that is. 🙂

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