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  1. Jenni Harves says:

    I would love to try squigz or clip connect. All are great toys

  2. Wow, the Foam Pogo Jumper!!!! I’ve never seen that before and that is a great item for the classroom and for my nephews!

  3. Breanne Campbell says:

    Magnatiles are a favorite around here. I have been eyeing the balance rocks and squigz for awhile.

  4. Leah Miller says:

    I teach prek and my kids love squigz! I’ve never seen the balancing stone rocks, those are so cool! They’d be perfect for my science center or for my own 3yo to practice building!

  5. Magnetic blocks are explored daily by all in my preschool classroom.
    The balancing stones look like a lot of fun!

  6. Beth Hankoff says:

    These are great picks! I raised two kids and volunteered with preschoolers for over a decade. The preschool toys you highlighted are definitely the ones that are a big hit! I have never seen those stacking stones before. Those look really fun!

  7. Jennifer Payne says:

    I love them all!

  8. Dottie Smith says:

    All of these are great choices for the kiddos I work with. I’m currently working with one that doesn’t play with any toy. She is 4 and I’m slowly introducing infant/toddler toys. I play with them and she walks around and watches. My hope is that she will start engaging with them. I would appreciate any of the toys to introduce her to if I was to win. Thank you for being so giving!

  9. So many good choices but I’d love a set of the Balancing Stone Rocks!

  10. Alex shipper says:

    Bamboo marble toy! Love all the preschool options 🙂

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