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  1. Lorraine L says:

    My boys would love the trucks watch! And i would need a clock for the wall to learn their time 🙂

  2. Robyn Booth says:

    Oh my word! Such a great idea! I love the preschool clock and think it would be so helpful. Can’t imagine how many times I’ve tried to explain, “When the big hand gets to the top, Daddy will be home.” Etc. It doesn’t help that we have a Roman numberal clock! Haha
    We were thinking of getting my four year old a digital watch for Christmas but this dinosaur one would be PERFECT!

  3. How smart!!! I wish this had been around in the late 70s and then I wouldn’t have driven my parents so crazy about when things were happening! I know what I’m getting my twins for their birthday!

  4. What fun products! I’ve never heard of these before, the Dino watch is super cute.

  5. My little one would love the trucks watch!

  6. Julie Bryce says:

    Sooooooo much creativity! And now these preschool watches! Amazing!

  7. Dylan Lehrhaupt says:

    What a great idea!
    I may have to buy the clock!

  8. Maribel Moon says:

    Dino watch is adorable!

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