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  1. Cindy San Miguel says:

    Hi from Texas,
    Any one would be great. I do feel the cuddle ball would be a great item for our center. I have a child that we are trying everything to teach self sooth

  2. These would be great to add to my quiet/calm down area. Thank you

  3. Becky Dragt says:

    I love that cuddle ball and I know my preschool students would love to cuddle with that for a quiet moment! I love the calm down ideas and they have given me some inspiration for times when I have students that need to calm themselves. Thanks!

  4. These are all such great ideas! My almost 5 year old I think would benefit from the cuddle ball or the breathing sphere. I think my 1 1/2 year old would like the sensory tubes. I’ve never seen the mazes in those shapes I bet kids really enjoy them. I need to set up a calm down corner.

  5. Brittany W says:

    The breathing sphere

  6. I love them all! 🙂

  7. Rene Latner says:

    Those are all great! I would love the breathing sphere. This would be amazing to put in our calm down center!

  8. Would love to win the sensory tubes for my kindergartner!

  9. Emily Gervase says:

    I think the breathing sphere is a really cool way for kids to visualize their breath and help them slow it down to calm themselves.

  10. ZENAIDA G says:

    I love all of these! We would love to have the sensory tubes in our classroom.

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