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  1. Katie Washington says:

    Thank you so much for your giving spirit! All these toys look amazing! I have some ideas now what to use to help my son to calm down. He is sensory seeking and gets overly stimulated very easily and often.

  2. That breathing sphere is so cool! I’ve never seen one before but have multiple firsties who would benefit from a visual like this.

  3. Stephanie says:

    The calming cuddle ball is intriguing. I have never seen that before.

  4. Caroline G says:

    Thanks for showing (and gifting) these calming toys! I like the mindful mazes and the water bead bags, but wouldn’t argue with any of them!

  5. I’d like the cuddle ball.

  6. Every classroom needs some sort of sensory input items. I would love all of these and play with them myself as well as have time for my students to enjoy.

  7. I would love to add the calming cuddle ball to my classroom! It looks like a great tool for two of my current students.

  8. Heather Newman says:

    My kiddos would really love the sensory tubes!

  9. Pam Birchard says:

    I would like to win the mindful mazes – they look awesome!

  10. These all look so great! I can’t decide which I would most want to try. Either the sensory tubes, mazes, or cuddle ball. Thanks for the giveaway!

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